Combined Thailand and Cambodia trip - Nomadays


Combined Thailand and Cambodia trip

Discover Cambodia and Thailand in two weeks

This two-week journey first takes you to the land of the Khmer, to explore Siem Reap and its surroundings, including the magnificent temples of Angkor, Lake Tonlé Sap, and its floating villages.

In the second week, you travel to Thailand for new experiences. Stroll through the floating markets of Amphawa and savor local flavors. Then, head to Kanchanaburi for a unique encounter with elephants.

Ideal travel period: November to March

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Siem Reap

Day 1Welcome to Siem Reap!

Day 1Welcome to Siem Reap!

  • Your driver will meet you at the airport upon your arrival. You will be transferred to your hotel and check-in. Enjoy some rest and free time.

    Rooms are available from 2:00 PM. If you arrive early and your room is not yet ready, you can leave your luggage at the reception before exploring the city or relaxing by the pool.
  • In a tuk-tuk, we take a first exploration tour of Siem Reap: city tour, market, surrounding fields, etc.

  • A visit to the Angkor National Museum provides detailed information about the history of the Khmer civilization and its cultural heritage. Its collections include real treasures from the Angkor archaeological site, showcasing the richness of Khmer art. We will particularly appreciate the superb gallery of 1000 Buddhas and the magnificent presentation of the temples.

  • Overnight at La Niche D'Angkor Boutique

Siem Reap
Angkor Wat
Angkor Thom City
Siem Reap

Day 2Majestic temples of Angkor

Day 2Majestic temples of Angkor

  • Before visiting the temples, at the entrance to the archaeological site, let's take a hot air balloon ride to appreciate a breathtaking view of the Angkor site and its surroundings.

    Note: Vertical ascent of about 10 minutes; modification possible depending on the weather.

  • Today, we'll explore the wonderful temples of Angkor located around and inside the Angkor Thom complex, traveling by tuktuk. We'll visit Angkor Wat, a symbol of the Khmer Empire's peak during the Angkor period. Inside Angkor Thom, we'll discover Bayon with its many towers featuring giant faces, Baphuon with its gigantic reclining Buddha statue of 40 meters, Phimeanakas, the Terrace of the Elephants with its wide variety of sculptures, and the Terrace of the Leper King.

    We'll conclude with Ta Prohm, famous for its immense trees with sprawling aerial roots.

    Due to an already busy schedule, we are intentionally skipping some minor temples of the small circuit such as Banteay Kdei, Thommanon, Chau Say Tevoda, and Ta Keo. If you wish to visit these sites, please inform your guide at the beginning of the day so that the schedule can be adjusted accordingly.

    There is a possibility to reverse the visits to avoid the crowds. Just let your guide know at the beginning of the day.
    Temples are sacred places, so avoid wearing short clothes. Shoulders must be covered, and you should wear long pants or a long skirt.
    To preserve these fragile monuments, it is forbidden to touch the sculptures or sit on any part of the temple.
    In Cambodian culture, it is offensive to be noisy inside a sacred place. Quietness and respect are key.
    It is discouraged to buy items or sweets from child vendors, as it only encourages begging and skipping school. If you wish to contribute, consider donating to an association instead.
    If you want to photograph monks (called Bonzes), you must obtain their permission first. Also, do not touch them; while they may touch you, the reverse is not allowed.
Siem Reap
Kbal Spean
Banteay Srey
Siem Reap

Day 3The river of a thousand lingas and the citadel of pink sandstone

Day 3The river of a thousand lingas and the citadel of pink sandstone

  • Near Kbal Spean, continue with a visit to the Angkor Center for Biodiversity Conservation. Here, you can witness the efforts of local and international teams to protect endangered local species: snakes, turtles, and other reptiles, as well as exotic birds and mammals. Children and animal lovers will be delighted by this visit of discovery and awareness.

  • Departure for a one-hour hike to reach the site of Kbal Spean, nicknamed "the river of a thousand lingas." Ruins of temples dating back to the 9th century line a river bed strewn with sculpted lingas.

  • After lunch, let's continue with a visit to Banteay Srey, a temple on a human scale compared to the gigantic Angkor Wat or Bayon. This pink sandstone temple, known as the "Citadel of Women," is renowned for the refinement of its bas-reliefs and sculptures adorning its walls and columns. If we still have energy, we can continue with a visit to the nearby Banteay Samre temple.

  • Before returning to the city, let's visit the Golden Silk farm and factory, where we can discover the entire process of producing beautiful fabrics and clothing, from silkworm breeding to weaving.

  • In the evening, let's attend an unforgettable circus show featuring incredibly talented artists!

    Seat included in category B
Siem Reap
1h 10m-35km
Kampong Pluk
1h 10m-35km
Siem Reap

Day 4The vastness of Lake Tonlé Sap

Day 4The vastness of Lake Tonlé Sap

  • Transfer to the village of Kampong Pluk located on Lake Tonlé Sap, about 1 hour by car from Siem Reap. You will board a private boat to explore and visit the floating village. During the excursion, small canoes will take you through the mangrove forest.

    Note: During the dry season (from March to September), the excursion may be replaced by another visit depending on the water level.

  • In the afternoon, we return to the archaeological site of Angkor, this time heading towards the Roluos group, a small Khmer city housing the earliest traces of the Angkorian era. As the seat of the first capital of the Hariharalaya empire, Roluos marks the beginning of classical Khmer civilization. The buildings are mostly constructed of brick, laterite, or sandstone. Bakong, which we reserve for the end of the day as the site offers a nice elevated viewpoint for the sunset, Lolei, and Preah Ko are the three main temples of the area. While all are dedicated to the worship of Hinduism, the latter two now house Buddhist pagodas.

Siem Reap
1h 30m-170km

Day 5On the road to Battambang

Day 5On the road to Battambang

  • This morning, transfer by road to Battambang.

  • After resuming the road with our driver, just before entering Battambang, let's visit the Wat Slaket et Ek Phnom pagoda, an 11th-century sandstone Brahmanic temple now in ruins. It was plundered by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot and looted by the Vietnamese during the liberation. A place steeped in history.

    Let's take advantage of our visit to linger on the immense seated Buddha statue that sits near these ruins.

  • South of Battambang, a visit to the Banon temple, erected atop a hill, offers you, after climbing the 358 steps, a beautiful panorama of the Cambodian countryside. Passing through the traditional villages along the road, you can witness the family production of rice cakes and converse with the locals about their daily lives.

    Also, take the opportunity to stop at the vineyards of Battambang. You can admire the greenhouse work of Cambodian winemakers and taste, if you wish, wine, grape juice, ginger juice, and why not, cognac!

  • Discover Phnom Sampov, "the ship hill," which houses a temple at its summit and the caves of death, a macabre reminder of the Khmer Rouge era. Stay there until sunset to observe the flight of the bats and their incredible choreography towards the skies.

Meal and accommodations

Lunch: Local cuisine

Accommodation: Bambu Hôtel

Siem Reap

Day 6A morning of cycling in Battambang

Day 6A morning of cycling in Battambang

  • Battambang! Getting around by bicycle is an excellent way to meet local communities. Your morning will be dedicated to a guided bike ride through the beautiful Cambodian countryside.

    This authentic immersion into rural life will allow you to visit a Buddhist temple with a dark history, observe the daily life of the villagers, and discover some of the region's artisanal productions such as bamboo sticky rice cakes, rice wine, banana chips, prahok, rice paper, and even a crocodile farm. Rich, cheerful exchanges await you along this itinerary.

  • After lunch (on your own) and checking out of our rooms, we meet our driver who will take us to the famous bamboo train of Battambang!

    The fresh air will pleasantly tickle your face as your eyes admire the rice fields painted in the landscape.

  • Once we arrive at our destination, we check into the hotel.

    The evening is free.

Siem Reap

Day 7Welcome to the Land of Smiles!

Day 7Welcome to the Land of Smiles!

  • Transfer to Siem Reap International Airport from where we board our flight to Bangkok .

  • Arriving in the capital of the Kingdom of Siam, we meet our new team who will accompany us throughout our journey in Thailand.

    We head towards Amphawa, a small town south of Bangkok where you can dive into the heart of Thai life. Its floating market is the most authentic in the country, with a large majority of Thai visitors.

  • In the early afternoon, we visit the King Rama II Memorial Park, where we find superb teak buildings.

  • Continuing with a visit to Wat Bang Kung (Kai Bang Kung), commonly known as the Banyan Tree Temple, since its chapel was covered by the roots and branches of a banyan tree.

    In its gardens, we can notably observe life-size representations of fighters, commemorating the Battle of Ayutthaya between Thailand and Burma at the end of the 13th century.

  • Nightfall, boat trip on the canal. Our boatman picks us up from the quayside, and we set off on a mini-excursion in search of fireflies that illuminate the waters.

  • Tonight, we head to the docks to taste the local flavors of the floating market, which takes place on weekend evenings. Along the canals, many locals come to dine. Like them, we order our dishes directly from each boat: stir-fried noodles, skewers of shrimp or squid, or why not some pre-cut mangoes.

    Day accompanied by an English-speaking guide
  • Night at the Kanokrat Resort.

Meal and accommodations

Accommodation: 3-star hotel

Day 8In the mangroves

Day 8In the mangroves

  • We start with a quick stop at the Mae Klong Railway Market, where four times a day, fruit and vegetable stalls hurriedly fold away as the train passes through the market.

  • Then, a half-day of discovering life in the mangroves. By boat, we explore this fragile ecosystem. During our excursion, we discover the way of life of the fishermen (here clam fishing is done from a surfboard) and visit a shellfish farm.

    Lunch of specialties.

  • In the afternoon, visit to the temple Wat Bang Khae Noi, located not far from the city. We appreciated its architecture, for which the building was entirely constructed of teak wood. Its walls are entirely carved and represent episodes from the previous lives of Buddha.

    Day accompanied by an English-speaking guide.
  • In the evening, let's treat ourselves to a Thai massage. (Optional activity to be arranged with the guide, on site).

Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: 3-star hotel

Lunch: Homestay

Accommodation: 3-star hotel

Day 9On the way to Kanchanaburi

Day 9On the way to Kanchanaburi

  • Before leaving Amphawa, we stop at a Thai family's house to learn how to make small objects out of palm leaves, including the small fish known as "pla tapian," which are a specialty of the Ayutthaya and Amphawa regions.

  • After lunch, we hit the road for Kanchanaburi, where we will take the time to visit the grand temple of Wat Tham Sua, accessible by a short cable car ride (local standards!!).

    Day accompanied by an English-speaking guide
  • Settle in at the Royal Riverkwai Resort Spa, in a Deluxe room.

    Hotel by the river with a pool - Located about ten kilometers after the town and the train bridge.

Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: 3-star hotel

Day 10Discovering Kanchanaburi

Day 10Discovering Kanchanaburi

  • Departure for the station and boarding around 10:40 am on the famous "Death Railway". made famous by the story of the movie "The Bridge on the River Kwai," for about 1 hour by train to the west and the Sai Yok region, located 70 km west at the end of the train line.

  • After lunch, we spend the afternoon at "Elephant Haven". On site, we buy baskets of fruits (not included - about 3 euros per basket), treats for the pachyderms.

    AND in the early afternoon, swimming with the elephants!

    Return in the late afternoon to Kanchanaburi (60 km or about 1 hour drive to the hotel).

    Day accompanied by an English-speaking guide.
3h 30m-220km

Day 11Visit to Erawan National Park

Day 11Visit to Erawan National Park

  • Departure in the morning for the Erawan National Park and Waterfalls (60 km drive). This national park is home to a superb waterfall spanning 7 levels, forming natural pools with emerald blue water inhabited by Mahseer barbs. While you can choose to stay around the first 3 levels, which are the easiest to access and where you can swim, an ascent to the 7th level, although not difficult, is rewarding: La Phu Pha Erawan, the final cascade, is the most majestic of all.

  • After some free time to enjoy the waterfalls, we hit the road for Ayutthaya, the former capital of the Kingdom of Siam.

    Day accompanied by an English-speaking guide.
  • Night at the Baan Tye Wang hotel.

Bang Pa-In

Day 12Visit to the former capital of the Kingdom of Siam

Day 12Visit to the former capital of the Kingdom of Siam

  • After breakfast, we set out to explore the historic center of the city, including the temple Wat Mahathat, dating back to the late 14th century.

    We then continue to the temple Wat Phra Sri Sanphet, which once served as the royal temple and is therefore the largest in the city. Finally, Wat Chai Watthanaram, from where we can appreciate the beauty of its ruins.

  • From the palace, we will travel to Ayutthaya by traditional boat on the river. Along the way, we will discover the Thai way of life along the water, the wooden stilt houses, the rice barge convoys towed to Bangkok warehouses, and the temple spires pointing towards the sky.

  • Exploration of the Bang Pa-in Palace, built in the 17th century and left abandoned after the destruction of Ayutthaya. The palace was restored and expanded in the mid-19th century by the King, who made it his summer residence.

  • In the evening, dinner on a cruise boat on the .

  • We spend 2 nights at the Shanghai Mansion, a superb boutique hotel in the heart of the Chinatown district.

Day 13The "Venice of the East"

Day 13The "Venice of the East"

  • Departure in the morning to reach the pier and take the public boat-buses to the center, on the right bank and the Pak Klong Talad flower market district.

  • We start our day with a visit to the Grand Palace of Bangkok, built in 1782, which includes several magnificent buildings, including the Wat Phra Kaeo (Temple of the Emerald Buddha), which houses a beautiful Emerald Buddha dating back to the 14th century.

  • Then, we walk to Wat Pho, one of the oldest temples in Bangkok, to see its reclining Buddha.

  • We then cross the river by a small boat to visit Wat Arun, the "Temple of Dawn," located on the right bank.

  • Private traditional long-tail boat taxi ride on the Chao Phraya River, one of the most important rivers in the country. Discover the Venice of the East and the traditional life of the city's inhabitants, half of whom still live by the water.

    Day accompanied by an English-speaking guide

Day 14See you soon in Thailand!

Day 14See you soon in Thailand!

  • Breakfast at the hotel. Free day and transfer to the airport at your chosen time.

    Possibility of extension for the Islands. Contact us.