Kanchanaburi - Death Railway and Elephant Haven - Nomadays


Kanchanaburi - Death Railway and Elephant Haven

Day in Kanchanaburi where we will board the Death Railway before spending the afternoon with the elephants at Elephant Haven

Day 1Discovering Kanchanaburi and its Surroundings

Day 1Discovering Kanchanaburi and its Surroundings

  • 08:00 AM. Meet at your hotel in Bangkok and depart for Kanchanaburi and its station, where we board the famous 'Death Railway' at 10:40 AM, made famous by the story of the film 'The Bridge on the River Kwai,' for about 1 hour of train travel westward to the Sai Yok region, located 70 km west at the end of the train line.

    We have chosen to have you experience only the most interesting half of the train journey and to get off at WangPho station, located just after the most spectacular part of the journey to Tham Krasae, so just an hour of train travel to Wang Pho around noon—avoiding the last 40 minutes of the train ride, which are less spectacular, and the crowd that will disembark at the terminus. You will meet the driver at WangPho station.
  • After lunch, we spend the afternoon at "Elephant Haven." On-site, we buy baskets of fruits (not included—about 3 euros per basket), treats for the elephants. In the early afternoon, we enjoy an exceptional moment: swimming with the Elephants!

    Return to Bangkok in the evening

    From the early morning departure, plan to bring swimwear and a change of clothes for those who will be bathing with the elephants in the afternoon. Put on your clothes because there probably won't be a very convenient changing room on site.
    Day accompanied by an English-speaking guide
Meal and accommodations

Lunch: Elephant Haven