Khagin Khar Lake - Nomadays


Khagin Khar Lake

Khagiin Khar Lake, formed during the Quaternary glaciation, is located about 50 km northeast of Terelj-national-park. Belonging to the Khentii Mountain range, the lake lies at 1,800 meters above sea level between the mountains of Khiidiin Saridag, Khünkher, Asgat Saridag and Khölöriin Davaa. The lake is 2 Km², 2.5 km long, 1 km wide and 30m deep. The Khol river takes its source and flows through a canyon whose walls reach 20m high, before flowing into the Khongor River. The lake is located in a very remote and inaccessible area. Fishing there is ideal, and we can catch plenty of carps.