The Road of Delights - Nomadays


The Road of Delights

This 14-day itinerary will take you across Cambodia to discover the country's culinary specialties and those of certain regions. From the giant freshwater prawns of Takeo to the freshly caught crabs of Kep, all accompanied by the famous powerful flavors of Kampot pepper, your taste buds will be delighted.

Let's not forget to mention the must-see cultural and archaeological heritage of the Khmer with the temples of temples d'Angkor, visits to the capital Phnom Penh, and two other major cities of ...

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Airport Phnom Penh

Day 1Welcome to Phnom Penh

Day 1Welcome to Phnom Penh

  • Welcome by your driver upon your arrival at the airport. Transfer and installation at your hotel. Rest of the day free.

    Rooms available from 2 p.m. If you arrive a little early and your room isn't ready yet, you can drop off your bags at reception before going for a walk in town or relaxing by the pool.
  • No guide is included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Accommodation: Iroha Garden Hotel & Resort / Comfort Balcony Pool View

Day 2Phnom Penh, a bustling capital city

Day 2Phnom Penh, a bustling capital city

  • Let's start with the national museum and explore one of the most important collections of Khmer art: 14,000 sculptures and ethnographic objects, mostly from the temples of Angkor.

  • Then, we visit the Royal Palace and the Silver Pagoda, real gems of Khmer architecture built in the middle of the 19th century.

    The dress code for the Royal Palace is quite strict: shoulders and knees must be covered. Wearing a mask is mandatory.
  • Visit of the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (S-21), the largest detention and torture center under the Pol Pot regime and the Khmer Rouge which will reveal a very painful chapter to you of the history of Cambodia.

  • Visit Phnom Penh's Central Market and/or Russian Market if there's enough time after the previous visits (markets close rather early)

  • English-speaking guide included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Iroha Garden Hotel

Accommodation: Iroha Garden Hotel & Resort / Comfort Balcony Pool View

2h 30m-150km
Kampong Thom

Day 3Khmer countryside by scooter

Day 3Khmer countryside by scooter

  • Road transfer to Kampong Thom, halfway between Siem Reap and Phnom Penh.

  • Along the way, be bold to take full advantage of a brief “gourmet” stop in the town of Skun, famous for its roasted spiders and insects.

  • Hop on a motorcycle to explore the countryside of Kampong Thom and its beautiful rural landscapes. First, take a short tour of the local market, then immerse yourself in the daily life of the Khmer people who have preserved their traditional way of life.

  • After lunch at a local's house, we depart by car to visit Phnom Santuk Mountain. This sacred mountain is home to pagodas and large reclining Buddhas; some of the oldest have been carved from rock over time, while newer ones are made of cement. You'll need to climb over 800 steps through the forest to reach the summit of this popular pilgrimage site in the region. You'll likely be accompanied by troops of monkeys. From the top, you can enjoy the view of the vast plains and the surrounding countryside.

  • On the descent, your driver drops you off at the hotel where we settle down for the night. The rest of the day is free.

  • English-speaking guide included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Iroha Garden Hotel

Lunch: Lunch in local house

Dinner: Dinner at the hotel

Accommodation: Sambor Village Hotel

Day 4The temples of Sambor Prei Kuk and the floating village of Kampong Kleang.

Day 4The temples of Sambor Prei Kuk and the floating village of Kampong Kleang.

  • Transfer without guide to Siem Reap, essential step of your stay in Cambodia. This city-province is known for the extraordinary Angkor temples and the huge lac Tonlé Sap. On your arrival, check-in, rest and free time.

  • Still on the way, on the edge of Kampong Thom, discover the formidable pre-Angkorian temples of Sambor Prei Kuk. This archaeological site has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since July 2017.

  • Tour with a resident English-speaking guide on site
  • Transfer to Kampong Kleang village located on the Tonlé Sap, about 1h30 from Siem Reap by car. You will embark on a private boat to discover and visit floating villages.

    Note: During the dry season, the excursion may be replaced by another visit depending on the water level.

  • Once arrived at destination, we check in at the hotel; The rest of the day is free.

  • English-speaking guide included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Aviary

Accommodation: The Aviary Hotel

Day 5The Majestic Angkor Temples

Day 5The Majestic Angkor Temples

  • Day visit in a tuktuk of the marvelous temples of Angkor located around and inside the Angkor Thom .

    You will notably discover Angkor Wat, symbol of the apogee of the Khmer Empire under the Angkorian era. Inside Angkor Thom, discover Bayon and its many towers with gigantic faces, Baphuon and its gigantic 40m reclining Buddha statue, Phimeanakas, the Terrasse des Elephants and its wide variety of sculptures, but also the Terrasse du Roi Leper.

    Continue by Ta Prohm famous for its huge trees with sprawling aerial roots and conclude with a sunset from the heights of Phnom Bakheng.

     Possibility of making the visits in the opposite direction to avoid the crowds. Just let your guide know at the start of the day.
     Temples are sacred places, avoid short clothes, cover your shoulders and wear pants or a long skirt.
     In order to preserve these fragile monuments, it is forbidden to touch the sculptures or to sit on elements of the temple.
     In Cambodian culture, it is offensive to heckle inside a sacred place, calm and respect are key words.
     It is not recommended to buy items or sweets from child sellers, this only encourages begging and the practice of skipping school, prefer a donation to an association if it is important to you.
     If you wish to photograph the monks (called Bonzes), you must obtain their permission beforehand. In addition, you must not touch them, they have the right to touch you but not the opposite.
  • English-speaking guide included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Aviary

Accommodation: The Aviary Hotel


Day 6Banteay Srey, the women citadel

Day 6Banteay Srey, the women citadel

  • Departure for a hike of around 1 hour necessary to reach the site of Kbal Spean nicknamed "the temple under water". Ruins of temples dating from the 9th century border a river whose bed is strewn with carved lingas.

  • Near Kbal Spean, continue with a visit to the Angkor Center for the Protection of Biodiversity. You will be able to see the efforts made by local and international teams to protect local endangered species: snakes, turtles and other reptiles, birds and exotic mammals. Children and animal lovers will be delighted by this visit of discovery and awareness.

  • Continue with the visit of Banteay Srey temple, smaller than the gigantic Angkor Wat or Bayon. This pink sandstone temple nicknamed "The Citadel of Women" is known for the refinement of bas-reliefs and sculptures that adorn its walls and columns.

    Then, discover the Banteay Samre temple.

  • After dark, we discover Siem Reap by night on a Vespa, criss-crossing town to a variety of stops for eating, drinking and experiencing local Khmer nightlife. This food tour will cover the unusual snacks sold by street vendors but we will also introduce you to the classic flavors of Cambodian cuisine and local barbecue. We will interact with locals as we explore a bustling fun fair with a mix of games and activities. This Siem Reap After Dark Vespa tour embraces the traditional and modern sides of town, resulting in a fun and varied experience that embodies the fun-loving nature of the wonderful people of Cambodia.

  • English-speaking guide included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Aviary

Dinner: Dinner included with the After Dark Vespa food tour

Accommodation: The Aviary Hotel

Day 7En route to Battambang !

Day 7En route to Battambang !

  • In the morning, transfer to Battambang.

  • Along the way, discover Wat Slaket and Ek Phnom pagoda, on 11th century Brahminical sandstone temple now in ruins. It was ransacked by the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot, and looted by the Vietnamese upon liberation. A place steeped in history.

    Take advantage of your visit to linger over the huge statue of the seated Buddha which sits enthroned near these ruins.

  • To the south of Battambang, a visit to the Banon temple erected at the top of a hill offers you, after climbing the 358 steps, a lovely panorama of the Cambodian countryside. Passing through the traditional villages along the road, you can watch the family making rice cakes and chat with the locals about their daily lives.

    Also take the opportunity to stop in the vineyards of Battambang. Something to admire the greenhouse work of Cambodian winegrowers. And to taste if you wish wine, grape juice, ginger, and why not cognac!

  • Discover the temple of Phnom Sampov, “the hill-ship”. You stay there until sunset to watch the flight of the bats and their incredible choreography in the sky

  • No guide is included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Aviary

Lunch: Lunch inlcuding at the bambu hotel

Accommodation: Bambu hotel / chambre Superior

Day 8Battambang, post-colonial architecture city

Day 8Battambang, post-colonial architecture city

  • In the morning, getting around by bike being a great way to meet local communities, your morning will be devoted to a great guided bike ride through the beautiful Cambodian countryside. This authentic immersion in a rural universe will allow you to visit a Buddhist temple with a dark history, to observe the daily life of the villagers and to discover some artisanal products from the region (bamboo cake, rice wine, banana chips, fish paste, rice paper…) as well as a crocodile farm. Rich exchanges all smiles await you during this itinerary.

  • In the afternoon, a half-day devoted to learning Khmer cuisine with a chef who will share all his secrets for concocting delicious local dishes.

    First, head to the local market to buy the ingredients needed to prepare the dishes. You will then cook 4 traditional Khmer dishes, with a choice of vegetarian or not.

    Then you will meet to taste your preparations. Enjoy your food !

     The afternoon cooking class starts at 3:00 p.m. The course is taught in English.
  • No guide is included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at Bambu hotel

Dinner: Dinner included with the cooking class

Accommodation: Bambu hotel / chambre Superior

Day 9Stop in Phnom Penh

Day 9Stop in Phnom Penh

  • Return by car to Phnom Penh.

  • In Pursat, discover the stonemasons, marble workers and cabinetmakers. Visit the workshops to admire their talent and buy souvenirs at the shops.

  • About 10 kilometers from Kampong Chhnang, discover the know-how of the potters. The traditional village has been famous for centuries for its clay pots sold throughout the whole country. The tools have been modernized but the know-how still remains, from generation to generation.

  • No guide is included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at Bambu hotel

Accommodation: Mettavary Hotel / Deluxe Queen


Day 10Takeo & the « Mekong ladies »

Day 10Takeo & the « Mekong ladies »

  • In the morning, leave Phnom Penh and take the road to Takeo.

  • Nearby Lake Tonle Bati, you will discover beautiful temples of Angkorian architecture, for example Yeay Pow or Ta Prohm.

  • Visit of Phnom Chisor in the province of Takeo. This 11th century temple was originally dedicated to the Brahamanic deities Shiva and Vishnu. A peaceful return to the roots of the Khmer empire, ideal for those wishing to escape the crowds of the great temples of Siem Reap.

  • Nicknamed "the ladies of the Mekong" the giant freshwater shrimps are the specialty of Takeo. Enjoy this awesome dish in a local restaurant (meal included).

  • After lunch, we continue to our destination for the day: Kampot.

  • English-speaking guide included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Mettavary

Lunch: Local restaurant

Accommodation: Old Cinema Hotel / Queen

Day 11Free day in Kampot

Day 11Free day in Kampot

  • No guide is included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at Old cinema

Accommodation: Old Cinema Hotel / Queen

Day 12The renown of Kampot pepper.

Day 12The renown of Kampot pepper.

  • The Kampot region is internationally recognized for its exceptional pepper. It is therefore impossible to go to Kampot without taking a trip to one of the many pepper plantations in the region!

    In the morning, we leave the rooms and take the direction of Secret Lake which offers a magnificent panorama with a view of the mountains.

    Then we visit the family pepper production farm, La Ferme de Sothy with a French-speaking guide of the plantation who will explain the origin and why of the reputation of this pepper. You will learn more about cultivation methods and how to cook this famous pepper.

  • Along the way, near Kep, exploring the caves of Phnom Kampong Trach has some nice surprises in store for you. Considered as natural temples by local Buddhists, they hide many statues and altars. As the high point of this "caving" excursion, a beautiful representation of a reclining Buddha awaits you in an open-air clearing created by the collapse of the rock.

  • Then transfer to our accommodation and free program to enjoy the end of the day in the peaceful town of Kep.

    Check-in at the hotel and free program.

  • No guide is included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at Old cinema

Lunch: Lunch at the plantation (Khmer Lunch formula)

Accommodation: Tara Lodge / Superior

Day 13Relaxing day in the Kep archipelago

Day 13Relaxing day in the Kep archipelago

  • Embark on a full-day eco-tour around the islands of Kep Bay.

    Aboard the Nāga, a traditional Khmer fishing boat, we will guide you through the Kep archipelago, following the waves and currents, away from any other tourist circuit.

    Fitted with masks and snorkels, discover the bottoms and reefs of the Kep archipelago where many species of colorful fish, sea urchins, starfish and corals evolve.

    Relax in the warm, swimmable waters of Serpents' Island Bay for a fish and seafood barbecue on the boat. Then visit a traditional fishing village where you can soak up the atmosphere and watch the preparation of nets, crab cages and bait while drinking an iced coffee. Finally, set off to explore a charming little lost and atypical islet.

    You may have the rare chance to observe Irrawaddy dolphins… Keep an eye out!

     The boat tour starts around 9am with a return around 4pm.
     Vegetarian menu on request
  • In the evening, a tuktuk is scheduled to take you to the crab market where you can try the local speciality: crab sautéed with pepper!

  • No guide is included on this day
Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Tara Lodge

Lunch: Lunch included on board Beverages (water, syrups, beer, rosé wine) BBQ (fish and seafood or meat) Dessert

Dinner: Dinner at Kimly restaurant (alcohol and drinks not included)

Accommodation: Tara Lodge / Superior

2h 30m-155km
Départ Phnom Penh

Day 14Have a good journey home !

Day 14Have a good journey home !

  • Free program before your transfer to Phnom Penh International Airport.

    Note: you must leave your room before noon; depending on the time of your flight you can leave your suitcases at the reception or at the agency to stroll around town.

Meal and accommodations

Breakfast: Breakfast at the Tara Lodge